Ezekiel 1-4

Several different things today. First, his vision is so bizarre, so, well, disturbing. I don’t think that’s actually what anything looks like. I doubt if anyone else were to see the exact same creatures, the exact same revelation, it would look exactly the same. I think it’s just to make it very clear how very …

Lamentations 4-5

Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored!… … unless you have utterly rejected us, and you remain exceedingly angry with us. There is something so very human in these last verses. Here’s everything we’ve suffered. It’s been so long. We understand why it’s all happened, why it’s like this, but maybe …

Jeremiah 33-36

The Rechabites are a wonderful inclusion in the narrative. We have a faithful family. A family full of people who choice to follow the covenant they were taught. You always wonder, or I do, when reading these accounts of judgment. With the exception of Sodom and Gomorrah, when we’re told there aren’t even ten righteous …

A Fourth

When we were dating, my husband and I discussed kids, as anyone contemplating a life together really should do. We were agreed: we wanted four. Four would be great. We were pragmatic enough to leave it open ended. We might not make it to four. I might not tolerate pregnancy well. We might find conceiving …

Jeremiah 14-17

Here we have mention of false prophets again, those that say what the people want to hear. “Destruction isn’t coming. You’re perfectly safe!” It’s so much easier to give a message you know will be received well. There’s no fear of recrimination. There’s no fear of reprisal. You know you get to keep your job. …