Take 2…

Hello again. This is a post I almost didn’t write. So very close to the opening of this space, a slight gap in publication dates will hardly be noticed. There are two generous souls following me at the moment, and to them I would like to apologize and explain. More than that, though, the delay …

The Bible vs Sunday School

The church as a cultural entity has been under fire a lot in recent decades. We have an opportunity to use this as a refining fire. Culture shifts, changes. Sometimes this is objectively good: abolishing slavery, developing social justice, and broadening civil rights. Sometimes it’s subjectively good: changing fashion and propriety. Sometimes it’s completely neutral: …

Through the Bible

So, I have probably read the entire Bible a couple of times, but let’s be honest, it’s difficult. Not only do you have Leviticus and Deuteronomy repeating a lot of the same information, but Chronicles is no picnic, some the minor prophets (because they’re short, not insignificant) are…odd, and Ezekiel and Revelation are a whole …