Ezekiel 37-39

Prophecy is difficult. There’s a passage here that sounds fairly Messianic. David will rule over them once more. Christ is of the line of David, and Christ will come to redeem them. But then you stop and think about it and you realize the people didn’t exactly accept Christ all that whole heartedly, and they certainly didn’t live peacefully in the land God had given them under Christ’s rule. So that makes it eschatological, right?

Probably? Or it’s both. It’s likely both.

Because prophecy is difficult. It’s a promise about the future. Sometimes it’s meant to be direct and obvious. Sometimes it’s not. And the bigger the promise, the more difficult it gets, the more vague, the more… multifaceted.

I’m not an expert. I forget details all the time. But this prophecy feels like a very big picture squashed into a very small image. Like making a thumbnail image of the Sistine Chapel. Think of all the details that get obscured. Or a photograph of a 3d diorama. How much depth perception gets lost? So think of time as the 3d diorama and the prophecy as the photograph. The separation, the distinction between Messianic elements and eschatological elements are likely the details that get obscured, that depth that gets squashed.

And here’s the big thing, the biggest of all: I really don’t think we’re meant to UNDERSTAND what it all means. I think we’re supposed to really get the notion that God is far more powerful than death. That’s clear like crystal. I think we’re supposed to know that restoration is going to be complete, the covenant will be fulfilled. Eventually. Somehow.

Does that involve the physical land of Israel? I don’t know. Christ isn’t literally David. The church isn’t literally Israel.

Contemplate the prophecies, sure. Take the promises. Pick up on the parts about keeping the commands and the consequences for injustice, cruelty, and profanity (the disrespect of the holy, not specifically the use of foul language). Find the lessons. Don’t worry too much about parsing every verse for literal meaning. I don’t think it’s meant for that.

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